Thursday, September 14, 2006

Note To Everyone and also "Our Family Helpers"

From time to time during the next four weeks I need to use this blog to write to my "Family Helpers". We are males, females, young and "mature" helpers from various churches, in our neighborhood, who have all come together to help a family in crisis. When I make my calls everyone wants to know how things are going and I wear out my whistle talking, sooooo I decided to use our blog, ocasionally, for this purpose.

Thursday Sept 14,

I met with the family today. Everything is going as planned. Last week we had established four objectives:
1. Meals - Monday thru Friday - starting 9-11-06
2. Organizing the garage and moving furniture
3. Putting doors on the dining room opening
4. Sitters - Monday thru Friday 9-6 for the next three weeks

As of today, they have received meals for three nights and I just can't even explain how this has helped.
Our "Family Helpers" are feeding three adults and two children every night. Hurrah for our great meal organizer and our cooks! Objective One Completed.

This past Saturday a whole team of helpers showed up to help our husband. The garage got organized, cleaned and furniture moved. Hurrah to our organizer and team members.
Objective Two Completed

We are waiting for the doors to come in and then we will work on Objective Three.

Objective Four will begin this coming Monday. I met with the family today (which includes a Parish Nurse who has been living with them). We all talked about some suggestions for our "Family Sitters".
1. Our 9AM people need to arrive about 10-15" early so Dad can get the children to daycare by 9AM.
2. We cannot leave Mom by please don't leave until the person coming after you is there. (Everyone's phone number is in the blue folder at the house).
3. Please do not talk about illness...Mom's or yours....Be positive
4. Remember to keep the house peaceful and quiet.
5. Mom gets tired just going across the room. She will nap around 2pm and the three year old will nap at the same time. The four year old and the baby (two months) will need to be watched.
(They are sweet, sweet little girls....all three) You will get a lot of hugs!
6. Dad wants Mom to reprimand the girls. Mom and Dad are firm and consistent with their parenting.
6. Dad may come in and out during the day but he still needs us there.
7. Wear cool comfortable clothing.
8. Please don't bring children or anyone with you. With all the toys and baby swings, carriers, etc. there is not room.

The Parish Nurse (from Baltimore Maryland) and I hope these notes will help everyone. (The Parish Nurse will be leaving this weekend)

Remember...We are blessed to have this family intact and each of you are blessed for being a part of this family's history.

Call me if you need me, but remember I am an hour traveling time from you. Susan

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