Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Quick Information - More Coming!

We are really starting to use these sites and blog. I am getting so excited! I am going to load the latest Faith Community Nursing Ministry newsletter from Sharon J. on this blog and on the website...

Then I have information about the Mental Health Panel Discussion that is in the beginning phase....but growing.

Pam S. emailed everyone about the meeting on July 20th at my church (St. Nicholas on Little Neck Rd). The gentleman from Senior Corp will speak to us about the "new" Medicare Prescription Drug Program. Apparently there were a lot of people who signed up for the wrong plan or were confused so there will be an open window for these individuals in November (I believe). He is coming to tell us all about it. We have had a lot of nurses emailing us about coming to that meeting, everyone is welcome, but I need a head count and what church you are coming from.

Now I need to thank each and every one of you that has gone to my website because Google has chosen it out of 30 million other websites (on nurses articles) to be number 7 on their search engine. This is unheard takes years and years to get that kind of rating and it's only been two months. Of course, I want to be Number One! All kidding aside, it makes the money to keep the other two sites paid for and allows us to have them without advertisements and I hope in time and with your help it will generate enough money to increase the grants in The Nightingale Fund.

Thanks again...You guys are the greatest!

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